Renato Costantini Academy
Via Offanengo 68, Rome, Italy
Tuesday & Thursday
8.30 pm – 9:30 pm
From September to July, Aikido Roma Nord welcomes visitors at any time of year, especially during training classes.
You can come visit, try Aikido, ask questions and enroll at any time of year or month whatever your level.
Free classes are available. It is advisable to call prior to visiting.
The course involves an annual subscription to the hosting gym plus monthly or quarterly/semi-annual/annual costs.
For further information please contact the Renato Costantini Sports Academy.
tel. +39 06.3321230
mob. +39 347 8682305
In addition to the fees due to the hosting gym, a small annual fee is also due for the dojo registration to Progetto Aiki: €10 (may vary)
Upon subscribing, it is also mandatory to include a medical certificate attesting your good health conditions for the practice of non-agonistic sports
(medical check-ups are also available on site).
Uniforms (keikogi
) and wooden weapons (bokken
, jo
and tanto
) are at the subscriber’s expense.
Aikido Roma Nord is a member of Progetto Aiki.