Philippe Gouttard: “If we are strong it is for helping others, not for hurting them.”
A little Zen story: “Sensei, how long should I train in order to master the art of meditation?” The answer was “by committing yourself completely, it will take 3 years”. Not satisfied, the student replied: “How long if I will train night and day?”, The sensei spoke calmly “Well, in this case 6 years!”.
In Budo the path is the main goal, not the ranking advancements. Ranking in Budo follows the traditional system of Japanese martial arts called Kyu-Dan system. It consists of 6 lower levels called Kyu (white belts) or “mudansha” (without rank), plus eight higher degree ranks called Dan (black belts).
In Budo, the beginner is called “mukyu”. Mudansha levels range from 6th to 1st. In average, each level advancement is achieved once a year. The first exam is an advancement to the 6th kyu level. Each level advancement requires a minimum of training hours and taking part to a certain number of seminars. The level advancement is only granted at the teacher’s own discretion. Ranks and levels in Budo do not have an absolute value: they symbolize personal progress, not advancement over others. A rank ore level is achieved after having improved with respect to one’s own condition of life, age, body, health. The same rank does not make two budokas equal.
National Dan degrees from Progetto Aiki examiners are recognized by Aikikai’s Honbu Dojo through a referring Shihan.
The Progetto Aiki association is recognized by Aikikai’s Honbu Dojo in Tokyo as an organization appointed to promoting, spreading and teaching Aikido according to the principles established by the Founder Ueshiba Morihei.
Our dojo’s referring Shihan is Philippe Gouttard.